Explanation of how LIKN bridges the gap between web 2 and web 3.
First and foremost, what exactly is web 3.0?
Web3 or web 3.0 is the next generation of the Internet. It builds on the previous two evolutionary phases of the Internet, namely web1 (or web 1.0), the birth of the internet we all know and love, and web2 (or web 2.0), the more interactive, user-generated, social media-driven web that has exploded over the last decade.
Web3 represents the Internet's next significant evolutionary leap forward, powered by blockchain, NFTs, and cryptocurrencies. But maybe the most distinguishing aspect of web3 is decentralisation, which takes us to our first reason for caring about web3.
Internet users will have more control in the decentralised web3 era. At least, that's the plan. Because, in contrast to today's highly centralised Internet, web3 represents a decentralised internet. When you think about it, most of the websites we use today are owned by large organisations (such as Meta, Google, and Amazon) and are governed by government restrictions to some level. Power is concentrated.
Because the infrastructure required to construct and manage the Internet is expensive, and someone needs to pay for it, Web1 and Web2 evolved in this manner. These big corporations recoup their investment (and, let’s be honest, a lot more) by charging us for their services or gathering and using (often selling) our incredibly valuable personal data. Web3 and the decentralised internet have the potential to change all of this, or at the very least to ensure that centralization is not the only route ahead. What makes this possible? Because web3 platforms are generally supported by token-based economics and blockchain-based infrastructures, where no single central authority is in charge and users can transact and engage without the interference of a third party.
Secretum, a messaging software aiming to become the web3 version of WhatsApp or WeChat, is a fantastic example of the decentralised web. Secretum users can connect without providing an email address or phone number, promoting user privacy, and there is an integrated trading feature that allows users to trade crypto and NFTs privately without the oversight of banks or other facilitators.
Web3 will serve as the foundation for most of the metaverse.
Web3 technologies are inextricably intertwined with metaverse development because they will enable us to engage and transact with others in metaverse environments. NFTs and blockchain, for example, both web3 technologies, will enable us to own and trade digital assets in the metaverse, such as digital art, digital land, or digital sneakers. Cryptocurrency will almost certainly form the foundations of metaverse economic and monetary systems. Many of the virtual worlds that will eventually comprise the metaverse (for example, the Decentraland virtual world) are built on blockchain.
Essentially, without web3 technology, the metaverse cannot attain its full potential. So, when you hear folks like me talking about the metaverse, know that web3 is a critical component of that future.
NFTs will have real-world applications.
We've all seen the wild price swings and headlines around NFT sales. However, when we consider NFTs as digital tokens that indicate asset ownership, it is evident that NFTs can provide far more value than simply exchanging jpegs of cartoon animals.
Many experts predict that "utility" NFTs will be utilised to represent ownership of physical things and assets, such as event tickets. Assume the Burning Man festival decided to sell lifetime tickets and you purchased one. It is considerably easier and more secure to store it as an NFT than to keep a paper copy or an email confirmation in an account that you will no longer use in 20 years.
How is LIKN bridging this gap?
The majority of web3 creators have released some captivating materials that have primarily served as promotional materials in the past, and most of them have been uploaded on web 2 applications, perhaps unaware that these works could become valuables in a digital format known as NFTS. LIKN is here to help; with just one click, they can convert those fantastic materials to NFTs; the process is easy, rapid, and doesn't take long.
About LIKN
LIKN is a stunning web3 platform that allows content creators, artists, NFT enthusiasts, and others to transform their works into NFTs that are very valuable and tradeable on marketplaces like as OpenSeaCollection and rarible. LIKN connects content from Web2 and Web3. You can mint your NFTs utilising LIKN with little or no money by entering the URL of the content containing the information you want to share and trade with others.
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