What is minting??
In a word, NFTs are tokens that are used to indicate ownership of one-of-a-kind goods. NFTs enable their developers to tokenize assets such as art, collectibles, and even real estate. And, after you understand that, the act of creating a non-fungible token(NFT) is known as minting.
Minting an NFT entails establishing a unique token on a blockchain. Only after minting an NFT is the digital collectable kept on the blockchain. Minting an NFT involves only the file to be minted and the cryptocurrency, usually Ethereum, required to pay the gas fee.
Finally, the value of an asset can be kept tangibly by minting an NFT of it. Another advantage is that the blockchain’s security makes digital asset retention extremely safe.
Minting on LIKN Platform
- Visit Likn website www.likn.co
- Launch app
To gain full access to the platform, you must first launch the app after entering the likn page. On the homepage, you may still select between dark and light themes.
- Connect Wallet
You can use your digital wallet to connect to the platform. The idea is for you to be able to mint NFTs for your digital wallet.
- Proceed to Create
- In the space provided, enter the URL to your Web 2 content.
Following input, the AI copilot analyzes your information and provides a description.
- Add a cover page
Depending on the content you provided, you have the option to include or exclude this part.
- Select makerktplace
There are numerous marketplaces from which to upload your NFT.
- Add content price
- Include Royalty fees
When a user resells an item you made, a charge is collected. This is subtracted from the final sale price and sent to a payout address of your choice before proceeding to "create."
- Approve transactions using a crypto currency wallet that is linked to the platform.
- Mint successful download NFT card
About LIKN
LIKN is a strong yet simple Web3 component and protocol that connects Web2 and Web3 content.
You can only mint your NFTs with LIKN by providing the content URL, which comprises certain information that you want to share and trade with others. AI has enhanced LIKN's ability to confirm copyright and use experience.
For more updates and information
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Follow on medium: LIKN Official
Visit Likn website: https://likn.co/
Join Telegram group: https://t.me/xLIKN